Sterre is 16 years old and has a distinct passion for drawing. Give her a pen and paper and she’ll make the most beautiful drawings in no time. She prefers to work with a marker and create intriguing abstract images.
Sterre likes to show her creativity through the drawings she makes. Her love of drawing can be seen in her drawings through the beautiful details she has added. She prefers to work with a marker and create beautiful abstract drawings. In Sterre’s case, autism provides a great spatial understanding and eye for detail. As a result, Sterre has a super creative view of the world. You can also see this well in her drawings.
Everyone has to justify why you are doing something or why something is not working out for a while. For Sterre, this is daily business. She often has to tell people what she can’t do. But there is so much she can do and in which she rises above herself or others. This is often not asked or looked at. Talent is something that makes Sterre happy and energized. She likes to wake up for it and likes to spend the whole day with it.